Yep, the image is real. This dude from the Gold Coast of Australia has the smallest waist we’ve ever seen and the broad shoulders of a natural athlete.
Except he ain’t no natural born bodybuilder; this was him 2.5 years ago:

I kid you not. So this skinny kid moved to Australia and got picked on for being a little weedy kid and probably for that polo shirt too and decided to do something about it. Most kids would resort to violence, but not this guy. He hit the gym like a maniac and transformed himself into the dictionary definition of massive lats.

bonheur_fintess instagram
He’s also presumably got the metabolism of a hummingbird because despite consuming enough carb-loaded protein to keep a hungry army on the march, he still got what looks like 0.0001% body fat.

bonheur_fintess instagram
If all of this isn’t annoying enough – the skinny kid who overcame adversity to become the buff dude with the crazy small waist and around 30k Instagram followers – he seems to be a genuinely nice guy who’s keen to share his journey with others.
Except that when you get into his motivational video, you discover that there is this intro shot:

Interesting phrasing. And then this shot :

To answer your questions in order –
- Yes, he has his shirt off. Apparently, that’s his uniform. Everywhere. All the time.
- Yes, she is licking his abs while someone takes a picture.
- And finally yes; we blacked out her face. He didn’t.

bonheur_fintess instagram
So, if you’d like to see the video in full, including this guy explaining his journey from a skinny kid who gets beaten up, to a buff kid who gets beaten up less, to being a drunk arrogant kid who has to fight the woman off with a shitty stick, a finally becoming a sober arrogant kid who wants to inspire you, here it is: