If you’re at the gym and you see somebody using a machine wrong, you have two options:
- Anonymously take a video of them without their knowledge, then post it online to make fun of their poor (and maybe dangerous) form.
- Go over there like an actual human being and offer them a bit of advice.
Look, we all love a good gym fail video, because they’re hilarious, but there’s a difference between some Crossfit weirdo trying to do squats while balancing on ball, and somebody who is just new to the gym and doesn’t know any better yet.
This lady was using the smith machine, which is reason enough to go over and offer her advice, but she was using it incorrectly. Instead of helping her out, this guy decided to take a video and to try to shame her on the internet. His video got over 10 million views almost immediately, but the guy who posted the video got torn to shreds in the comments. He went out to try to publicly humiliate this lady, and it backfired on him.
Nobody is expecting us to spend our entire workout teaching all the gym newbies how to train smarter, we aren’t the world’s personal trainers, BUT if you’ve got time to take a video of them, you’ve got time to help them out. We’re Guardians of the Iron, and it’s our duty to ensure that enough people stay at our gym in order to keep the doors open, so be kind to your fellow gym members. But not too kind, obviously.
First let’s check out the video, and then we’ll show you the reaction that the internet had to it, and how it completely blew up in this guy’s face.
If you haven’t seen the original video, here it is: