It turns out Rich might not be 100% all-natty afterall. His muscles aren’t the only thing that has been getting bigger and bigger after tons of work in the gym and ridiculous amounts of roids, look at his head. The growth hormones have been going straight to his brain, and causing his skull and face to expand in size – or at least it looks that way.
In one of his videos, he’s even mentioned that after taking growth, he had to start wearing larger-sized hats.

Hey look, Rich left his hat on the side of the road.
This is a documented side-effect of acromegaly, which is a condition that arises from from over-production of HGH from the pituitary gland, or in some cases from taking huge doses. It’s not something you want to mess with, but Rich is well-aware and very outspoken against the potential negative side effects of his special supplement regime, and he’s willing to accept the consequences because that’s the price he’s got to pay for being massive. It’s better to have a guy like Rich who takes it way too far but is totally honest and upfront about it, then guys who walk around looking similar but pretending that they’re all-natty so that they can make a few extra bucks off of sponsors. So, props to Rich for keeping it real, he’s not lying about anything and putting other people at risk just to earn a few extra bucks, and you’ve got to give him credit for that.
Notice in the first slide, the very top of his skull starts to move outwards as it goes towards the top of his head, and in the second pic it’s gotten a lot rounded and more filled-out. We’re not doctors and we don’t know what the potential negative side effects are of this condition. It could also be that Rich is just getting smarter and wiser with age, and his brain is growing, sort of like this guy:

via paramount pictures
People have also speculated that this change could be due to plastic surgery as well, and not just the result of growth hormone. At this point, Rich is probabally about 90% synthetic and 10% original human. He’s the closest thing we’ve got to a cyborg, and as soon as technology catches up they should probabally build him a robotic body and put his brain and heart inside of it, and create some kind of real-life version of The Terminator. We can dream, right?