Chun-Li is known for her very muscular legs, while depictions of the rest of her body are more variable. This model is like an exact replica of the video game character. It’s been said Chun Lee’s arms and upper body are visibility much stronger than those of any other female character in the franchise, and it appears this models arms and upper body are much stronger then any other girl in the gym.
The resemblance to Chun Lee is marked through her legs; many artists choose to depict her as petite and slim, in official and unofficial artworks alike, drawing only her legs strong due to her emphasis on kicking moves.
Chun-Li was designed with an exceptionally strong physique because she was the sole woman among a roster of powerful male characters in Street Fighter. To combat this perceived imbalance, she was devised as a character who had mastered Chinese kenpo and really pushed her body to the limit so that she could compete with such a cast of large and imposing men.
The striking resemblance between the video game character and this model is further proof that this physique is completely attainable, as many would think that video game heroes only live within their respective consoles.
At the end of the day, baby got back.