This Korean Women’s Physique Bodybuilder has the internet in a rage whether or not she is photo-shopped. Well, We’ve done some further digging and found all her social media profiles and we can say that without a doubt, she’s the real deal.
Yeon Woo Jhi is her name and her physique and body is one to admire. She’s absolutely massive and has a stunning physique that many are saying is not real or has been digitally altered.
From the looks of it, she is a APS Nutrition sponsored athlete and is on her way up the ladder for not only having a stunning physique, but a beautiful face as well.
She is an IFBB Physique Pro and is we have the pictures to prove it. We’ve linked her instagram and Facebook profile’s at the end of the article for more pictures and videos!
Check out these photos of her below and share them with your friends:
Video of Yeon Woo Jhi at Arnold Classic 2016
Check out her Social media Profiles for more Pictures and Videos: