Planet Fitness has quickly become one of the most ridiculed Gyms in the world, if not the most ridiculed. Many folks wonder why it seems to be the butt of fitness jokes and we’re here to clear the air.
All pictures below are taken in a Planet fitness from Gym-goers who are either Proud to be a Member or enjoy the “Benefits” the gym has to offer.
1. Yes, you guessed it right – Everyday is Pizza Day.
Bulking, Cutting and every season in between, there’s always Pizza there.
2. Bagels anyone…? Plenty to go around.
Never a dull day at Planet Fitness, nor a shortage of Carbs.
3. Let’s not forget the Toosie Roll Wraps.
4. Yes, your Read that Correctly – Tootsie Rolls in a GYM.
5. If we didn’t make the point clear enough in the last 2 Points, here’s further proof Candy is Not Frowned Upon.
6. Someone Call the Fire Marshall or ….? ….. Anyone?
7. ….. One Word……. Vodka
8. I guess Pets are allowed in the Gym too. Hmmm…
9. Flee Market anyone ?
10. Cosplay Allowed and Costumes are Mandatory.
11. Someone remind us when Smoking was banned indoors?
12. Ah yes, Tootsie Rolls, Again.
13. Nap time is 1 thing that hasn’t changed since pre-school.
14. “You used to call me on my ‘Cell Phone’….”
15. Let’s see who can name this Workout, comment below!
16. Hmmmm…?
17. Assisted Squats?
18. We call this the “Mermaid” routine
19. ……………… (No words for this one)
20. Did someone forget to read the manual?
21. Is this guy trying to do a handstaff or what?
Once again, Planet Fitness has proved to us that, in terms of entertainment, its the place to be!