The shredded old man is a staple of every gym. You know the guy. Gray(ing) hair, maybe a matching beard, and benching three plates for reps. These men don’t just look impressive for their age; they’ve sculpted and maintained a body well into middle age that most guys in their 20s would be thrilled to have.
We’re all taught to respect our elders but these monsters absolutely command it from us, putting up serious weight with inspiring ease and consistency. Prepare to be amazed as you click through this list – we certainly were while we were creating it.
Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon is well known for his involvement in the WWE, where he is an owner, chairman, CEO, promoter, commentator, and even a wrestler known by his ring name Mr. McMahon. Given his myriad responsibilities and age, his physique is absolutely remarkable.
He has a solid core and massive arms, but his arguably most impressive feature is his ridiculous back. McMahon is wide as a barn door and incredibly strong – according to his trainer, he can bent-over row 315 for 10 reps.
Andreas Cahling
If you’ve ever been on a website that features sponsored ads, you know Andreas Cahling. His picture is frequently used to attract clicks to products promising rapid weight loss and muscle gain in older men, probably because he is one of the most jacked sexagenarians in the world.
Cahling looks like a Viking/Santa Claus hybrid, sporting a bushy white beard, massive arms and chiseled abs. He’s been bodybuilding for over 30 years, and utilizes an unorthodox training regimen that includes weightlifting and dancing to stay in godly shape.
Sam Bryant

At 72, Sam Bryant works as a forklift truck driver at night and still finds time to workout at least twice a day.
Jeffry Life

Jeffry Life is a 77 year-old licensed doctor and still manages to keep himself looking like a tank.
Bill Grant

69-year-old professional bodybuilder, Bill Grant, is a former Mr. World, who boasts 19-inch arms
Svetozar Nikocevic

60-year-old Svetozar Nikocevic is a gym owner and an incredible motivation to his members
Robby Robinson

This is 66-year old Robby Robinson, but you may also call him Mr America, Mr World, Mr Universe, Masters Olympia… amongst others
Chester Yorton

75-year-old Chester Yorton is known as the “Father of natural bodybuilding” after he promoted people who joined competitions without the use of roids
Spencer Churchill

Spencer Churchill is a 74 year-old champion in bodybuilding and is also an expert professional wrestler.
Robert Durban

This is 64-year-old, Robert Durbin, who just started training at 55, after he was sick of being overweight and unfit. Look at him now.
Lou Ferrigno, 64

You probably know young Lou Ferrigno, the star of iconic bodybuilding film Pumping Iron and Mr. Olympia runner-up to legendary bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. The guy who played the Incredible Hulk and famously overcame losing 80% of his hearing at age three to become an international superstar. What you probably don’t know about Ferrigno is that even now, decades after his last bodybuilding competition, he still has an awe-inspiring physique. The 64-year-old continues to train regularly, giving him a body that most of us can only dream of achieving.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 68

Arnold Schwarzenegger has an incredibly impressive résumé: seven-time Mr. Olympia, star of The Terminator, 38th Governor of California. Now, at 68 years of age, he can add “jacked old guy” to that list. Though he’s admittedly not flaunting the physique of his youth that earned him the nickname “the Austrian Oak”, the governator is still dedicated to working out and remains impressively huge – check out that insane bicep peak!
Robert Irby, 64
Robert Irby has been going beast mode for a very, very long time. Bodybuilding competitively for over 40 years, Irby was recently crowned the 60+ Bodybuilding Champion in 2014, and continues to drop jaws with his massive frame. He credits his revamped focus on nutrition for his impressive recent results, and doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. He also isn’t stingy with his bodybuilding knowledge, offering coaching and contest preparation tips through his Instagram profile.
Louie Simmons, 66
You would expect a man nicknamed “The Godfather of Strength” to be in insane shape. You wouldn’t expect that man to be 66 years old, but most men aren’t Louie Simmons. The legendary strength guru is looking huge well into grandfather age, and continues to instruct protégés at his iconic gym, Westside Barbell. His unique training methods produce crazy results – Simmons boasts a ridiculous 700-pound squat – and keep the Ohioan looking powerful as ever.
Sylvester Stallone, 69
Sly Stallone made a lucrative acting career out of his muscles, so it makes sense that he’s continued to build them up well into his 60s. He is both massive and vascular; thanks to his workout program that places an emphasis on minimal rest and explosive movements. It’s clearly working out well for him, as his arms are bigger and more defined than ever.
Art Peacock, 80
This guy is old enough to be your grandfather and yet he is still hitting the gym, competing in bodybuilding contests, and looking better than most of the world’s male population in the process. The Englishman has been winning bodybuilding titles for over 50 years, and it doesn’t seem like anything on Earth is going to slow him down – he recently competed only a month after suffering a heart attack! Peacock is an incredible testament to the power of dedication and consistency, and we can’t help but be inspired to massacre our next workout after learning a little more about this bodybuilding legend.