Abby Pollock is probably the most well-known redhead fitness fanatic in the world. Her pictures have circulated the internet for years now, most notably the transformation sequence from the featured image. Her transformation from having a flat, skinny body to a well-rounded fitness model has completely changed her life.

Instagram: ampollo
Getting fit isn’t an easy task – for anyone – but Abby has made it a point to show the world that getting fit takes time, dedication and will power. Acheiving one’s fitness dream won’t happen overnight – or within months – its taken Abby years to get into the best shape of her life and she’s constantly working daily to achieve better fitness levels.
She began her journey about five years ago and hasn’t look backed since then.

Starting Out
Being a shy person as it is, Pollock started out as a rather skinny girl, primarily due to her diet. She confessed to living an unhealthy lifestyle before she took on fitness.

900 Calories A Day
Pollock says she was on a vegan diet (and even used Vegan Protein Powder) that was particularly strict before she started her heavy workout routine, in which she used to only consumed about 900 calories daily. The image below on the left clearly shows the lack of any definition or muscle.

Her Journey
Feeling weak from her vegan diet, she soon started to become interested in body building – this is when her life changed completely. Being dedicated and continually refining her diet, work-out routines and strength training, she turned to competitive bodybuilding.


She’s now switched her focus on being a health-focused athlete that helps folks get fit and stay motivated by posting photos and videos of her daily workouts and health routines. She also gives advice and shares recipes and workout routines for her audience and followers through social media, in particularly through Facebook and Instagram.

Many Can’t Believe Her Progress
Her results are so impressive, many detractors online claim she must have had some sort of augmentative surgery such as implants. They argue you can grow muscle, but can’t change the distribution of fat in your body. No one has any concrete evidence for or against it, but we believe these types of results are highly attainable with many years of proper dieting and hard training.

Pollock said in a recent interview that she is “continuously challenge myself in all aspects of life. I like juggling school, fitness, and my personal life, along with their respective goals.” “Now and then, I feel overwhelmed or unsure of exactly where I’m going, but I refuse settle for mediocre so keep moving forward. To me, nothing is more satisfying than achieving my goals and then going on to pursue even greater challenges. It’s the struggle that motivates me.”

Future Goals?
Pollock was recently asked what her future goals are, and as you can imagine for any serious bikini model or fitness buff, she’s shooting for her IFBB Pro Card.


Pollock gives this advice to those looking for advice on obtaining a Physique like hers, saying…
“Do your research! This applies regardless of whether you’re hiring a coach or not. Before making any significant changes to your life, set goals, figure out what it will take to achieve them, and don’t settle for any bro science or facts without evidence. A lot of people will blindly follow fad diets or training plans. Stop the mindless movement and move with purpose towards your goals! If you are consistent and make adaptations based on how your body is reacting, then you will reach your goals.”
Make sure to follow Abby Pollock on Social media and give her a Like or Follow! Here is a recent pic from just a few weeks ago.
She posts great advice daily along with Motivational notes and great Fitness Tips. She looks great in clothes too!
When asked if her “Perfect Peach” was real and if she ever had surgery by The Doctors TV show Abby said, “Diet and exercise! I got serious about fitness. This ‘peach’ is 100 percent organic.”
Here is a great training montage that shows Abby doing various exercises that target the glutes. She is a hard worker that’s for sure!
THUMBS UP if you're in!! ?? FREE CHEAT SHEET: LOVE this circuit because you can use it as an at-home workout, warm up routine, or as a finisher circuit at the end of a leg workout?..1️⃣ Side lying leg raise – x30s (per side)2️⃣ Side lying clamshell – x30s (per side)3️⃣ Quadruped kickback – x30s (per side)4️⃣ Side lying hip raise – x30s (per side)5️⃣ Single leg glute bridge – x30s (per side)Perform this circuit with minimal rest and repeat 3-5 times depending on what you're using it for..If you need help with more workouts like this, I made a FREE CHEAT SHEET for you!?You can get it at:
Posted by Abby Pollock Fit on Monday, June 26, 2017
Here are her comments about this circut:
I LOVE this circuit because you can use it as an at-home workout, warm up routine, or as a finisher circuit at the end of a leg workout.
Perform this circuit with minimal rest and repeat 3-5 times depending on what you’re using it for.
COMMENT "ME" if you want to build that booty ?? FULL WORKOUT: we're taking it back to basics with this dumbbell workout. Here's what you gotta do:1️⃣ DB reverse lunge 3×10 (SS)2️⃣ Jump squat 3×20 (60s rest)3️⃣ DB stiff-legged deadlift 3×12 (SS)4️⃣ Frog jump 3×20 (60s rest)5️⃣ DB glute bridge 3×12 (SS)6️⃣ Single leg deadlift 3×10 (60s rest).You can watch the full workout (with voice over) + learn the science behind this in my latest video: you need help with more workouts like this, I made a FREE CHEAT SHEET for you!?You can get it at:
Posted by Abby Pollock Fit on Sunday, July 30, 2017
Today we’re taking it back to basics with this dumbbell workout. Here’s what you gotta do: