Troll game strong for Kai Greene, here’s a throwback to that infamous press conference as we get closer and closer to the competitor announcement for this year’s Mr. Olympia. It’s still unclear if Kai Greene is going to compete this year, especially with stuff like this going around.

These guys truly aren’t friends. via
Kai Greene has been on a tear this year, taking home Arnold trophy after Arnold trophy and getting love from The Oak himself. But Phil Heath is Phil Heath, and he’ll probabally be the favorite to win the O until he decised he doesn’t want to be anymore.
Phil trying to laugh it off afterwards…
Still, Kai is Phil’s best competition and if the two were to meet up on stage again this year we’d all be looking forward to the clash of egos from these two giants. It’s always entertaining when you put them together, and the IFBB doesn’t seem to want to shy away from the types of extra attention that it brings to the sport, even if it upsets purists.
Check out the video: