The way that Rich Piana looks standing next to this giant is how most people look standing next to Rich.
Rich Piana is 45 years old, weighs over 300 pounds, and wasn’t even the biggest guy in the gym this day.
The Piana Man himself was hitting the gym when all of a sudden this monster of a guy walks past. His name is Big Joe. What the hell else could you call him?
This guy is an inch shy of being 7 feet tall, and just 380lbs but he looks way bigger than that, especially compared to Rich who isn’t that much smaller, at least on paper. Rich has been taking roids since he was a teenager, but all the growth in the world couldn’t have caught him up to Big Joe.
This video proves the golden rule of bodybuilding. No matter how big you get, there’s always going to be somebody bigger. And he’s always going to be lifting right next to wherever you are. And if you have to run to the bathroom and cry in-between sets, that’s okay.
Rich does his best to keep up with this beast…
6’11, 380 pounds of pure gym intimidation. But if Game of Thrones has taught us anything, it’s that most giants have good intentions.
When Big Joe isn’t in the gym making cameos in workout Youtube videos, he probabally works as a mercenary for buffet companies. They could hire him to go eat at their competitor’s restaurants to put them out of business.