Kai Greene is one of the most controversial bodybuilders that doesn’t always get a lot of love from the “establishment” behind the sport, and Arnold’s no stranger to controversy or politics throughout his career either, so it’s nice to see him showing the love to Kai after Kai Greene recently took home his third Arnold Classic victory in a row at the Arnold Classic Brasil.

via officialkaigreene Instagram.
Kai was absolutely killing it on stage and looking massive, and this could be a huge warning shot to the top 5 at this year’s Mr. O, depending on whether or not Kai is able to compete. If there’s anyone who has a shot at dethroning Phil anytime soon, it’s gotta be Kai.
Here’s the full post from Arnold’s Instagram where he gives Kai props:
That epic First Place trophy is almost big enough to hold one of Greene’s protein shakes.
In case you missed the event, check out this video for Kai’s acceptance speech and some nice moments between himself and Arnold:
Do your friends even lift? If not, here are 8 things they NEED to stop saying to you.