Someone call the fashion police because there’s some fashion vigilantism going down on a random street.
If everyone just dressed like bodybuilders we wouldn’t have these problems.
The video starts with two guys arguing and things escalate quickly when one gets gets cracked for revealing that he’s wearing Supreme clothing, a brand out of NYC. After getting cracked, he eats another big punch and collapses on the road. The guy winning the fight pulls his punches, and gives the other guy a chance to get up, then the guy immediately charges at the cameraman. Who knows what was happening before the cameraman started rolling, though?
All around, this is a strange video. Can anybody fight out what’s actually going on here? Read between the lines?
Maybe Supreme isn’t referring to the clothing brand at all, and it means something else entirely? Anyone here got a degree in basic thugonomics besides this guy?
No camera man is safe out here in these streets.